Are you frustrated by winning fewer new clients lately while so many dead leads sit in your CRM?
These people had clearly wanted to hire your MSP. They got in touch with you, after all. With some of them, you even had an intro call or meeting. But for some reason (which we’ll discuss shortly) they never converted into new business.
Now, information about them sits idle in your CRM. And you are struggling to generate new leads elsewhere.
But did you know that you could revive those dead leads? Re-engage them with your MSP, and convert them into clients?
Well, some of them, at least. But wouldn’t that be enough to increase your sales without forcing you to look for more new leads constantly?
In this post, I’m going to show you how to do it. What’s more, I’ll give you three email templates you could use to revive the dead leads.
Intrigued? Let’s not waste any more time then.
Quick Recap: What is a Dead Lead?
I’ve used this term – dead leads – a couple of times in this article already and I think it’s worth to explain its meaning. Even if only to ensure that we both think of the same thing when using it.
So, what is a dead lead, specifically?
A dead lead is someone who has engaged with your company on a sales-level but has stopped responding to your messages since then. They may have inquired with you. Or you’ve reached out to them while prospecting. They’ve also shown signs of being interested in your services. Perhaps they requested a proposal. Or simply stated the nature of their problem in the initial email to you. But what’s important is, that, in spite of your efforts, they have gone silent.
But here’s something incredibly important about dead leads:
Such silence doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve lost the sale.
But to see it, we must discuss the reasons why leads suddenly stop engaging with you.
4 Reasons Why Leads Go Silent
A quick note before we continue. The reasons below relate to leads who have gone silent but still show a promise of buying from you. Many leads will disappear simply because they’ve either gone with another provider or chose not to hire you.
However, many people who inquire with you, stop responding to your emails not because they don’t want to work with you. Quite often, it’s because of these four reasons:
#1. They are just too busy
And that’s, by far, the most common reason. They’ve inquired with you. Perhaps even went as far as requesting the proposal. But then, some other, more pressing issues took their attention away.
And they haven’t got the time to act on your proposal.
#2. The problem isn’t as severe anymore
Similarly, the chances are that whatever problem a person experienced when they reached out to you isn’t bothering them as much anymore. They could have found some quick fix that makes it go away (temporarily, of course.) Or they learned to live with it (which, as we both know, is often an equally temporary solution.)
All in all, however, they don’t experience it at the moment. And as a result, have put off reviewing your proposal for later.
#3. They moved to another role in the company
Your lead may have changed jobs or moved to another role within a company. As a result, they’re no longer responsible for the project. And the chances are that the company hasn’t appointed someone else to take over.
#4. They need someone else’s approval to move forward
And unfortunately for you, that person is either hard to catch or uninterested about the project. Again, this doesn’t mean that the project won’t happen. But, most likely, it’s on hold until the other stakeholder gives their approval.
Overall, any of these scenarios mean one thing for you:
The person or the company are still interested in hiring you. And you just have to keep engaging with them and don’t let the relationship go stale.
Here’s how.
How to Revive Dead Leads with These 4 Email Templates
Please note: The four templates you’ll find below will help you achieve a single objective. Restart the conversation.
And I admit, in some cases, this might be sufficient to make the sale. More likely, however, you’ll have to move a lead through some additional steps in the sales process. Perhaps you’ll have to schedule a meeting to discuss the project. Or send a revised proposal, etc.
But with these templates, you’ll at least have a chance to continue the conversation.
So, without any further ado…
Template #1. Information Recommendation
This template works particularly well for leads that have disappeared after having some initial conversations with you. The chances are that you even had the opportunity to discuss their problem with you. Or at least, they have explained why they were seeking your help in the first place.
In that case, it pays off to restart the conversation by providing information that could help them overcome the problem. Or at least, understand it better.
Here’s a quick template for that.
“Hi [NAME],
Remember how, during our last conversation, you mentioned [THE PROBLEM]? I’ve just found/published something that I’m sure will help you with it – a guide to [OVERCOMING PROBLEM].
You can read it here: [LINK]
Let me know if you have any questions about it. I’d be happy to help.
Template #2. The Direct Approach
Disclaimer: I learned this approach from this amazing Functional Funnels post.
Sometimes, the simplest way to reconnect is by asking a prospect about their intentions directly. I admit that it requires some courage. But at the same time, it gives your leads the opportunity to let you know about their situation without having to beat around the bush about it.
For one, they don’t have to respond to your content recommendations with thanks. And then, explain why they haven’t been in touch.
With this template, they can just respond with yes or no.
Template #3. Parting Ways
I agree, suggesting leads that you’re going to close their account doesn’t seem like the best idea to revive them. But it works.
As Hubspot explain this phenomenon:
“By removing all emotion from the email and proactively assuming the deal is lost, you trigger either relief or want in your prospect.
If they’ve closed with somebody else, your email gives them an out — you’re assuming things didn’t work out, and your prospect can write back a one-sentence reply affirming that’s the case.”
And here’s a simple template to help you achieve it:
“Hi [NAME],
I haven’t heard back from you in a while regarding [THE SERVICE THEY INQUIRED ABOUT ORIGINALLY]. I’m going to assume that your plans have changed and you don’t need our help at the moment.
However, let me know if I could be of any help in the future.
Closing Thoughts
Leads go silent. Often. Their personal or professional situation may have changed. Or other projects took their attention from yours. However, you can restart the conversation with many of them.
And in this article, you’ve learned three templates that will help you to do so.
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